Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Schedule your FREE SEO Audit & Strategy session.

This quick video reveals how you can accelerate your lead flow online...

How Big Fin SEO Can Boost Your Online Visibility...

See your phone light up with inquiries from people searching online for businesses just like yours

Unlock the Potential with Our…

SEO Audit & Strategy Session!

This is a personalized plan to help you generate more leads, sales, and profits. At Big Fin SEO, our team of trained online marketing professionals will:


Build a Customized Keyword List

Using your services, service area, and search trends, we’ll craft a keyword list that’s tailored to you. With our cutting-edge tools, we’ll identify the most searched-for keywords relevant to your business and guide you on how they can drive significant traffic to your site.
(Valued at $497)



Run a Ranking Report

Discover where your business currently ranks online for high-value keywords.
(Valued at $297)


Review Your Website Optimization

Receive a comprehensive analysis of why your site isn’t topping search engine results. We’ll then show you how to shoot it up the rankings so your target audience sees you first.

(Valued at $1,297)



Review Your Website Conversion

Understand potential pitfalls in your website and how you can convert more visitors into active inquiries.

(Valued at $797)


Your Comprehensive Digital Marketing Plan

A step-by-step plan on leveraging the internet for more traffic, leads, and profits. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy but a custom plan tailored for your business.

(Valued at $997)


Total Value: $3,885

But for you, it’s absolutely FREE!

Meet The Team

Big Fin SEO

We are passionate about assisting businesses in boosting their sales & growth by effectively marketing online via SEO, Google Maps Optimization, Paid Search, Website Development, and other online channels.

Our company’s mission is to help clients elevate their sales and revenue as a direct result of our expertise. Client success is our success. Every win for our client is a celebration for our team.

A Custom Blueprint For YOUR Business and YOUR Specific Needs!

Your strategy is valued at $3,885, and it’s worth every bit of it.

Hear What Our Strategy Session Participants Said...

Thank you for your time this afternoon, Michael! When I first scheduled the strategy session, I feared it might just be a sales pitch or not valuable. However, you went beyond my expectations. You genuinely understood my company’s goals and provided valuable insights by reviewing our website and rankings. Speaking to such a knowledgeable expert in Internet Marketing was enlightening. The actionable strategies and reports you provided have given me clarity on our next steps.

Daniel Reed, Stellar Tech Innovations

For any business wanting to enhance their online presence, I can’t stress enough the importance of a strategy session with Michael Fleischner. After following his content for months, I finally scheduled a session, and I wish I’d done it sooner. He provided a comprehensive analysis of my website, demonstrated improvement areas, and suggested actionable steps. His expertise saved me countless hours. I truly recommend his Strategy Session to any business professional.

Isabel Morris, Red Pine Enterprises

Michael, I genuinely wanted to thank you for the insights during our strategy session. There’s no doubt in my mind about your proficiency in SEO and online marketing. Your depth of knowledge and tailored approach makes it evident that you are passionate about helping businesses thrive. Keep up the remarkable work!

Leonard Gray, Grayson Business Solutions

After attending one of Michael Fleischner’s webinars, we reached out to discuss our online marketing strategies. We spent an invaluable hour discussing our business, and his expertise was evident. He was professional, didn’t press us to avail any services, and his proficiency was clear from our discussions.

Maria Vega, VegaTech Solutions

Recently, I attended one of Michael Fleischner’s webinars and was compelled to schedule a strategy session. We believe we have a robust online marketing strategy, but Michael provided insights that were eye-opening. He not only highlighted our strengths but also pointed out areas we could enhance. It’s clear that he knows what he’s talking about.

Harrison Cole, Cole Dynamics

Schedule your audit and strategy session to experience similar growth and success!